Friday, March 27, 2009

Die! Die! My Darling!

It's going down this weekend, I'm bombing my apartment. Btw, people look at me funny when I say that. :-)

I found 3 foggers at the SuperTarget in Atwater for $7, and my roommate is out of town this weekend. I'm taking Goose to my parents house and spending the night while the rooms are being treated, George will come by later in the evening to air things out. The hard part will be getting everything covered on the entertainment center. There's a lot of electronics out that can't be exposed to the chemicals, and everything in the bedrooms needs to be covered too. We bought a bunch of huge garbage bags we'll split open and tape them over all we can.

I'm going to Tami's baby shower tomorrow, I'll post pics soon!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Park Pictures

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fleas, barbecued hot dogs, and infomercials...

That's what my days have been filled with as of late. Last Sunday, George and I went to Donnelly Park to mark 6 months together (kinda silly, I know). We barbecued hot dogs and toasted garlic cheddar sourdough bread, then took a walk around the water. It was especially nice, as the park was where we had our first official date. Pics to come, as soon as I can find my USB cable.

The fleas at my apartment have gotten terrible; my roommate's cat got outside a few times and we've been fighting them ever since. Luckily, since my cat doesn't play well with others, he hasn't been infested too bad. I find the occassional blood-sucker on his belly, but my room is pretty okay. Downstairs, however, is a totally different story. I'll walk across the living room and into the kitchen, and my socks will be covered in a least a dozen. George refuses to wear socks, and he likes to sit on the floor when he's over, so his feet are absolutely horrendous. We've used the powders on the carpet, gotten collars and drops for the cats, vaccuumed religiously for weeks and they keep getting worse. We're missing something, so we're talking to our landlord about bombing the whole apartment.

I've been looking into getting an AeroGarden 3 for awhile, especially now that I've discovered the backyard gets absolutely no direct sunlight. That blows all my plans of growing any veggies out there this summer. I wanted to do lettuce, basil, chives, sage, carrots, strawberries, and cucumbers. When I heard about the AeroGarden, I went to their website and found they had seed pods for everything but the latter 3 items. It's essentially a counter-top hydroponic system, using water, grow bulbs, and nutrient packets. There's no soil at all, and the technology was originally designed as a way to combat hunger in countries that don't have proper conditions to grow vegetation. The infomercial gives a side-by-side comparison of a few different seeds grown in the hydroponic system and in normal soil, and the hydroponic system is about 3x faster. It makes me wonder if we're on the brink of finding a real solution to world hunger.

I've been watching the infomercial for the GT Xpress 101, also. I bought my Foreman Grill about 3 months ago and I probably use it 4x a week. The GTX is the same principle, but it's a flat griddle surface instead of the grill. The griddle is round, and divided into 2 chambers (all your food would be in the shape of a semi-circle, and some of the reviewers mention that it's a little irritating to eat the same shaped food all the time). The recipe book has a lot of ideas for re-using leftovers, which as I mainly cook for myself, doesn't happen very often. Even still, it had some delicious sound recipes for omelettes, chocolate cake, fruit pies, etc.

I absolutely love the infomercial for the Magic Bullet, and I would probably own it now if I hadn't had a bad experience with it a few years back. I was making shrimp and crab dip for a New Year's Eve party and my ex's house, and his mom had bought the Magic Bullet pretty recently. It basically pureed everything I put in there, which was good for the dip, but not for things that are supposed to stay chunky. And the container was so small, I had to do it in 4 or 5 batches.

The reviews for the GTX are mixed, so I'm pretty wary of dropping $30 for it if I'm going to have the same experience that I did with the Magic Bullet. I'm hoping to find someone who has bought it themselves so I can ask to borrow it for a few days and see how I like it.

Now it's off to bed, I start work at 8:00 this week.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Flickr Mosaic

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Heaven help me...

Netflix has Deadliest Catch Seasons 1-3 available on instant view.

I may never leave my apartment.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Valentine's Day (dated 2-16-09)

Valentine's Day this year was pretty great. I had warned George before that they are usually pretty awful, so I didn't want that to happen again. But on the upside, the bar wasn't set very high.

Last weekend, he surprised me with what he called the 1st part of my present (which I didn't have to tell him I wanted, yay!): season 6 of The Simpsons and a Nightmare tee w/ Jack and Sally. I gave him a flat iron so he'd stop stealing mine, a johnny cash tee, pj pants, and a box of Whoppers (the only candy he says he likes).

On Valentine's Day, we went to JapanTown with Cookie and Amanda. Originally it was just supposed to be us, but they had no plans and it's always more fun to take trips with friends. At first, I wasn't too happy with the idea of people coming with us on our first Valentine's Day together, but then I remembered that I love those guys and wondered we hadn't thought of inviting them before. We had all been at C-Dub's Friday night playing FHL. And when I say "we", I mean "them", because I just watched as I suck at FHL. Needless to say, we did not get out of town as early as we planned.

George drove us to Pleasanton where we caught the BART, and almost missed our train because the schedule I had was a little misleading. Thanks to a very nice conductor, we got on with a few minutes to spare. George had never been on the BART before, and wondered why we were going slower than the cars on the highway. It wasn't until the ride home that we heard the rain had been forcing them to reduce the speed.

Once we got to San Francisco, somehow we ended up on the wrong side of the street. So, all the directions I had were backwards. After stopping at BK so Cookie could get his first burger of the day, we set off in search of the shopping center. A few blocks later, I realized we were moving away from the Miyako building. From here on out, I will not stop at a gas station for directions if there is a Holiday Inn anywhere in sight. We asked several people and got more lost because of it, but the bellhop actually got us a map and drew out a route that wouldn't take us through "the hobo part of town."

The downside was the BART only took us to the Civic Center, and the mall was about 2 mi away. I had given everyone advance warning about the long walk, and everyone said they were fine with it. We ran into some kids who George recognized from some of his favorite anime's, and it turned out there was a convention in town. We never did find out where, but some of the costumes were pretty awesome.

We split up for lunch: George and I went to Izumiya's for sushi while Cookie and Amanda headed a few blocks back for McDonald's (Cookie's 2nd burger of the day). By that time, we had spent about 4 hours there and seen just about everything we could. We all agreed being in San Fran past dark was no bueno. After all, Amanda was almost killed by a cab and had a few encounters with bums already. :-)Our last stop was a bookstore on Van Ness that has some of the biggest books I've ever seen. Ridiculously big, almost in a cartoon way, and they were too big to ever actually be read. Definitely meant for decorating purposes, which defeats the whole purpose for me.

On our way home, we decided to hang out a little longer and relax. I made burgers (Cookie's 3rd and 3 1/2 burgers of the day) and we watched Almost Heroes, which none of us had seen yet. I had put Snickerdoodles in the oven, and they were a tad overdone when we discovered the potholder had been ruined by George's cats and I couldn't get them out fast enough. Amanda said they were still good.The rest of my present is still to come, and I can't wait to see what my guy has in store for me.

Click the pics below to see our trip